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Document Details :

Title: More on Kainam the Son of Arpachshad in Luke's Genealogy
Author(s): BAUCKHAM, R.
Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Volume: 67    Issue: 1   Date: April 1991   
Pages: 95-102
DOI: 10.2143/ETL.67.1.542215

Abstract :
In an article in this journal, Gert J. Steyn has recently argued that the last part of Luke's genealogy (3,34-38) is dependent on Gen 11,10-32 and Gen 5,1-32 in the LXX version. He regards as the clinching evidence for this the occurence of the name &Kappa&alpha&iota&nu&ά&mu in Luke 3,37, where Luke agrees with the LXX against the MT and the Samaritan Pentateuch, which do not have this generation at all. Steyn's argument, however, is very unsatisfactory for three reasons: (1) He offers no justiication for dealing only with the last part of the genealogy (the generations from Terah to Adam and God). One has to presume that he does not think the earlier parts of the genealogy are independent on the LXX, but he does not explain why the genealogy should be divided in this way. (2) He does not discuss the significant divergences from the LXX in other of the genealogy. (3) Most remarkably, he nowhere refers to the fact that Kainam the son Arpachshad appears not only in LXX Gen 5,9-14;10,24 and Luke 3,37, but also in Jubilees 8,1-5.

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