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Document Details :

Title: 'You have Given a Road in the Sea'
Subtitle: What is Wisdom 14,3 talking about?
Author(s): BEENTJES, P.C.
Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Volume: 68    Issue: 1   Date: April 1992   
Pages: 137-141
DOI: 10.2143/ETL.68.1.542167

Abstract :
Chapter 14 of the Book of Wisdom belongs to an extensive section, covering 13,1-15,19. These three chapters constitute a theological digression on idolatry, which structure is rather obvious. One can detect a subdivision of three paragraphs: (1) Wis 13,1-9; (2) Wis 13,10-15,13; (3) Wis 15,14-191. The large middle section discloses a very artistic, i.e., concentric or envelope structure. At the opening (13,10-19) we find a description of a skilled worker in wood, whereas the end of the section (15,7-13) is dealing with the potter. Both times it is about manufacturing idols.
In my opinion it is not by accident that the author has chosen just these two examples to elucidate his point of view. For both descriptions have been made up with the help of tapas-like illustrations as one can repeatedly encounter in the Old Testament (e.g., Isa 29,16; 45,9; Jer 18,4.6; Sir 38,29). The pericopes relating to the woodcutter and the potter have obviously been intertwined; they consitute, as it were, the outer circle of the whole section. Their mutual relationship is shown in at least three ways.

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