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Document Details :

Title: A Note on Acts 3,25-26
Subtitle: The Meaning of Peter's Genesis Quotation
Author(s): LÉONAS, Alexis
Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Volume: 76    Issue: 1   Date: April 2000   
Pages: 149-161
DOI: 10.2143/ETL.76.1.540

Abstract :
Acts 3,25-26 is the conclusion of Peter's sermon to his fellow Jews delivered at the “portico called Solomon's”. Having proclaimed the good news Peter calls the Jerusalemites to repent and then proceeds to refer to the prophecies which confirm his gospel. Thus, after mentioning Moses and Samuel with “those who came after him”, Peter turns to the very beginnings of Israel, that is, to the divine promise made to Abraham.

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