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Document Details :

Title: Ouakrianos
Author(s): SEKUNDA, Nick
Journal: Iranica Antiqua
Volume: 32    Date: 1997   
Pages: 163-164
DOI: 10.2143/IA.32.0.519268

Abstract :
In 1993 a fragment of a large storage jar was published, late Hellenistic or early Imperial in date, having been discovered the previous year on archaeological excavations at Büyüktepe Höyük in eastern Anatolia. It had the name ouakrianou(in the genitive) inscribed on it in Greek cursive letters. The publishers commented that the name “appears to be a Latinized form of a native name, presumably that of the owner of the vase”. The purpose of this note is to discuss the personal name Οὐακριανος.

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