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Document Details : Title: The Emptying Christ Subtitle: A Christological Approach to Interfaith Dialogue Author(s): JENSEN, David Hadley Journal: Studies in Interreligious Dialogue Volume: 11 Issue: 1 Date: 2001 Pages: 5-24 DOI: 10.2143/SID.11.1.519039 Abstract : Does the Christian scandal of particularity have any resonance in an era of religious pluralism; or is the attempt to articulate incarnational claims hopelessly mired in Christian triumphalism? This essay is driven by a conviction that an international focus can serve to uphold Christian identity in a pluralistic age without jeopardizing the possibilities for genuine interreligious conversation. The christological question, 'Who is Jesus Christ for us today?' thus does not lead headlong into a hasty affirmation of a universal Christ or revert the narrow confines of Christian sectarianism, but might serve as a surprising entree into dialogue with adherents of other religious traditions. One potentially fruitful and provocative model for understanding incarnation in our pluralistic age is the image of kenosis, or the emptying Christ. |