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Document Details :

Title: 'Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you' (James 4:8): The Development of Karl Rahner's Theological Thinking in Its First Period
Author(s): SIEBENROCK, R.A.
Journal: Louvain Studies
Volume: 29    Issue: 1-2   Date: Spring-Summer 2004   
Pages: 28-48
DOI: 10.2143/LS.29.1.505246

Abstract :
This article proposes a new point of departure for evaluating the work of Karl Rahner and in particular for exploring the controversial issue of the influence of Ignatian spirituality on his thought. The proposed new approach considers Rahner’s various sources, and suggests that his entire corpus is the unfolding of an original intuition. This original intuition is encapsulated in the following phrase: God touches us in our innermost being, and in the sacrament of the church, so that we can touch God. God’s descent into the world and the ekstasis or transcendence of human beings and the world in God are two aspects of one God and humanity.
The key to Rahner’s theology of grace is his emphasis on uncreated grace. He developed his theology of grace as a reaction to neo-scholastic theology, and this gave his work its definitive shape. In Jesus Christ, God’s universal saving will is effected in the world and in all people historically, victoriously and irrevocably.

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