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Document Details : Title: Documenta Q Subtitle: Q 11,2b-4 Author(s): NEIRYNCK, F. Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses Volume: 72 Issue: 4 Date: Dec. 1996 Pages: 418-424 DOI: 10.2143/ETL.72.4.504847 Abstract : The International Q Project (here IQP) has led to the reconstruction and publication of a critical text of Q (JBL 1990-1995). The Editorial Board including the three general editors, J.M. Robinson (Claremont, CA), P. Hoffmann (Bamberg), and J.S. Kloppenborg (Toronto), is now in charge of a revision of this recently established text (to be published in a single volume). The IQP database will be published by the managing editors S.D. Anderson, S.G. Bjorndahl, S. Carruth, and C. Heil in a series of individual volumes, Documenta Q, of which this preliminary volume on the Lord's Prayer (Q 11,2b-4) is presented as a sample. “The future volumes are to appear preferably in their Q sequence” (VII). |