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Document Details : Title: Luke 9,22 Subtitle: A Matthean Foreign Body? Author(s): FRIEDRICHSEN, T.A. Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses Volume: 72 Issue: 4 Date: Dec. 1996 Pages: 398-407 DOI: 10.2143/ETL.72.4.504845 Abstract : In a lengthy article on “Matthean Foreign Bodies” (1992) Robert H. Gundry pulls together strands of the argument in his commentary on Matthew that some minor agreements of Matthew and Luke against Mark represent subsidiary influence of Matthew on Luke's use of his primary sources, Mark and Q. F. Neirynck has already engaged in a lively exchange with Gundry concerning the minor agreements in the Great Commandment pericope (Lk 10,25-28). The purpose of this note is to respond to Gundry's continued defense of Matthean influence on Lk 9,22, with special attention to his rejoinders to the brief article on which Neirynck and I collaborated. |