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Document Details : Title: Ephrem the Syrian on 'Freedom of Will' in Manichaeism (Pr. II-XXVIII: first discourse to Hypatios) Subtitle: A Reference to Manichaean Common Property? Author(s): BIERBAUMS, M. Journal: ARAM Periodical Volume: 16 Date: 2004 Pages: 263-277 DOI: 10.2143/ARAM.16.0.504683 Abstract : In the 4th century of the Christian era the Christian writer and theologian Ephraim the Syrian objects to a number of teachings which deviate from the church doctrine. The polemic especially concerns the teachers Marcion, Bardaisan and Mani whose doctrines obviously influence aearly Syrian Christianity dangerously. Contemporarytestimonies for this inNisibis include the 56 didactic Hymni contra Haereses, which turn to the people and see Mani as the most dangerous false teacher, and the Prose Refutations probably written in Edessa after 363 CE, which address an cultured class and contain in addition to tractates a work comprising five discourses against false doctrines. Its letter form addresses to a certain Hypatios demonstrates a literary style. |