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Document Details : Title: Mandaean Parallels in Yezidi Beliefs and Folklore Author(s): GÜNDÜZ, S. Journal: ARAM Periodical Volume: 16 Date: 2004 Pages: 109-126 DOI: 10.2143/ARAM.16.0.504675 Abstract : Yezidism, or the religion of Ezdî as followers of this tradition call it, is a religious tradition which flourished in an area where many religious traditions from Christianity and Islam to Manichaeism, Mandaeism and Zoroastrianism lived. So the people living in this area, whatever religion they belong to, have been open to the influence of vaiouscults and custom throughout history. The Yezidis who now mainly live in southern Turkey and northern Iraq (and partly in Caucasia and various European countries) represent a belief system which reflects a syncretism of various cults of the area. |