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Document Details : Title: Friar of Ignatius of Jesus (Carlo Leonelli) and the First Scholarly book on Mandaeaism (1652) Author(s): LUPIERI, E. Journal: ARAM Periodical Volume: 16 Date: 2004 Pages: 25-46 DOI: 10.2143/ARAM.16.0.504670 Abstract : One of the most interesting achievements of the 17th century Carmelite mission in Basra was Carlo Leonelli's book entitled 'Narration of the Origin, teh Rituals, and the Errors of the Christians of St. John' Though perhaps not so 'scholarly' in a contemporary way of thinking and certainly flawed by factual mistakes and intellectual misunderstandings, nevertheless it was the most important attempt by the European Christianity in those days to understand the relatively ew and still very mysterious reality of Mandaeanism. But who was Carlo Leonelli (better known as Fr. Ignatius of Jesus), what was he doing in Basra, and why did he write such a book? What is the book really about? ANd, finally, what importance does it hold for us today? |