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Document Details :

Title: Considérations de phonologie dialectale copte, II
Subtitle: L'alphabet de P et de pP
Author(s): KASSER, R.
Journal: Le Muséon
Volume: 116    Issue: 3-4   Date: 2003   
Pages: 289-328
DOI: 10.2143/MUS.116.3.503665

Abstract :
While some scholars still speak of the coptic alphabet as a unique alphabet, common to all idioms of pharaonic Egypt, recent studies (see already Le Muséon, 93 [1980], p. 260-261 and 280-281) have shown that there exist at least 12 coptic alphabets, all well attested and corresponding to idioms which have not been penetrated by the more common alphabets, like the S (24 signs of the Greek alphabet + 6 supplementary and indigenous signs = 30 signs), or the Bones for instance. The 36 signs (24 + 12) rich alphabet of P (included its archaic form pP) is the fullest one, compared to the most simple alphabets which feature only 24 signs, like G (24 + 0) or H (21 + 3). The author sheds light on the transition from the final pharaonic phonological systems to the systems of the classical coptic dialects.

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