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Document Details :

Title: Preferences Not Parties
Subtitle: The Background of 1 Cor 1,12
Author(s): STRÜDER, C.W.
Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Volume: 79    Issue: 4   Date: Dec. 2003   
Pages: 431-455
DOI: 10.2143/ETL.79.4.503564

Abstract :
The existence of conflicting parties or factions in the Corinthian community is one of the most widespread hypotheses concerning the historical background of Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians. Often, this hypothesis is taken as a fact that does not require any lengthy discussion. The key verse is 1 Cor 1,12. Here, one might get the impression that we are listening to the ipsissimae voces of those who belong to rivaling factions: &lambdaέ&gamma&omega &deltaὲ &tau&omicronῦ&tau&omicron, ὅ&tau&iota ἕ&kappa&alpha&sigma&tau&omicron&sigmaf ὑ&muῶ&nu &lambdaέ&gamma&epsilon&iota, Ἐ&gammaὼ &muέ&nu &epsilonἰ&mu&iota &Pi&alphaύ&lambda&omicron&upsilon, Ἐ&gammaὼ &deltaὲ Ἀ&pi&omicron&lambda&lambdaῶ, Ἐ&gammaὼ &deltaὲ &Kappa&eta&phiᾶ ,Ἐ&gammaὼ &deltaὲ &Chi&rho&iota&sigma&tau&omicronῦ. The most common English translations of the so-called slogans in 1,12b are “I am of” or “I belong to” followed by the name of the respective authority, but in the context of the party hypothesis the “I belong to” is understood more specifically as “I belong to the party of...”.

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