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Document Details : Title: Genezing van gene zijde. Subtitle: Het spiritisme als medische tegenbeweging Author(s): DRAAISMA, Douwe Journal: Spiegel der Letteren Volume: 42 Issue: 2 Date: 2000 Pages: 116-133 DOI: 10.2143/SDL.42.2.416 Abstract : From the 1880s on the novelist and pedagogue Elise van Calcar (1822-1904) became a leading figure in Dutch spiritualism. Many of the communications she claimed to receive from the departed dealt with medical affairs. It is argued that spiritualism acted as a counter movement to orthodox medicine, advocating hygienistic methods and cures instead of pharmacological or surgical treatment. Van Calcar’s publications are a valuable source of information on an undercurrent of medical thinking which is otherwise badly documented, to the point of invisibility. |