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Document Details : Title: Zien of niet zien, dat is de vraag. Een ooglijder als hoorndrager in de Lippijn Author(s): CLAASSENS, Geert H.M. Journal: Spiegel der Letteren Volume: 43 Issue: 4 Date: 2001 Pages: 350-359 DOI: 10.2143/SDL.43.4.384 Abstract : In all likelihood the name ‘Lippijn’ (the protagonist in the eponymous farce in the famous Hulthem-manuscript) is a significant name. This article argues that this name, being derived from the Latin lippus (meaning ‘bleary-eyed’, with a negative connotation), refers to and stands in direct relationship to the ‘to see or not to see’-motif so emphatically dominating a large part of the text. The playwright plays a subtle game with it, making the text far more sophisticated than is to be expected in a farce. |