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Document Details :

Title: Les fragments du Castellion (Kh. Mird) des évangiles de Marc et de Jean (P84)
Author(s): VERHELST, Stéphane
Journal: Le Muséon
Volume: 116    Issue: 1-2   Date: 2003   
Pages: 15-44
DOI: 10.2143/MUS.116.1.341

Abstract :
Since 1953, the archives of the University of Leuven (Belgium) preserve a collection of papyri from «Khirbet Mird» in Cisjordan. Among them are fragments of four biblical codex, most of which are still unpublished. After a status quaestionis, eight fragments of the codex of the gospels of Mark and of John are edited, together with a codicological and a palaeographical commentary. The size of the codex, which can be dated from the 6th century, imitates the size of a parchment codex. One of the fragment (nr 153) contains interesting anomalies in his biblical text (Marc. 6, 34 and 36-37), which are nevertheless difficult to interpret.

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