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Document Details : Title: When did Odoacer Depose Romulus? Subtitle: A Reappraisal of the Western Empire's 'Fall' in 476 Author(s): CRISTINI, Marco Journal: Latomus Volume: 83 Issue: 2 Date: 2024 Pages: 262-270 DOI: 10.2143/LAT.83.2.3293436 Abstract : The assumption that Romulus ‘Augustulus’ was deposed on 4 September 476 should be questioned, since it is contradicted by the most detailed sources on Odoacer’s rise to power. The Fasti Vindobonenses Priores and the Auctarium Prosperi Hauniense are both silent on Romulus’ deposition, although relating in some detail the death of his father and uncle, whereas Malchus reports that the young emperor was still nominally in power a few weeks after his supposed overthrow. It is likely that Odoacer opted for a gradual transition after his victory. While he undoubtedly took control of Ravenna on or shortly after 4 September 476, he kept Romulus in the city and it was only several weeks later that he forced him to send the imperial insignia to Constantinople. In all likelihood, Romulus formally abdicated during the last months of 476 and left Ravenna shortly afterwards. |