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Document Details :

Title: Some Considerations on the Formula forma dat esse in Contemporary Thomism
Author(s): SERRA PÉREZ, Manuel Alejandro
Journal: Tijdschrift voor Filosofie
Volume: 85    Issue: 4   Date: 2023   
Pages: 561-587
DOI: 10.2143/TVF.85.4.3293178

Abstract :
The relationship that Thomistic philosophy of being maintains with Aristotelian metaphysics of substance is well known. The secular reflection that has preserved the teaching of Aquinas has always been torn between a radical approach and an indiscreet distancing from the positions of Aristotle. This scholarly work discusses one of the most intensely debated interpretive controversies at the heart of Thomism, namely the correct interpretation of the relation between form and being. Currently, one of the most prestigious researchers in contemporary Thomism, the Dutch professor Rudi te Velde, has published several works in which he harshly criticizes the positions of Étienne Gilson and Cornelio Fabro. We attempt to show that this criticism is based on the Thomistic vision of the Canadian Dominican Lawrence Dewan, a strong detractor of Gilson and a faithful continuator of the traditional interpretation of the Dominican Thomistic school, headed by Thomas de Vio (Cajetan). After a careful examination of the positions of these authors, it becomes clear that Te Velde’s remarks are unfounded, and they reveal the problem of an overly formalistic interpretation of being.

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