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Document Details :

Title: Phenomenology and Hermeneutics
Author(s): HÖSLE, Vittorio
Journal: Tijdschrift voor Filosofie
Volume: 85    Issue: 4   Date: 2023   
Pages: 505-538
DOI: 10.2143/TVF.85.4.3293176

Abstract :
The essay starts with some general metaphilosophical reflections on the nature of philosophy and then explains why the phenomenological and the hermeneutical method are indeed indispensable for a complete philosophy, even if they cannot exhaust it. While in this second section, it presents, at the end in the form of a dialogue, simplified ideal types of phenomenology and hermeneutics, without looking at the concrete historical forms in which they appeared, in the third section the essay discusses some of the main steps in the development of these two disciplines and their interaction. Finally, it sketches the approach taken in my recent book Kritik der verstehenden Vernunft, which tries to combine the phenomenological and the hermeneutical traditions with the analytic method.

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