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Document Details :

Title: Un codice di Federico Veterani alla Biblioteca Universitaria di Anversa
Author(s): DELLA SCHIAVA, Fabio
Journal: Humanistica Lovaniensia
Volume: 68    Issue: 2   Date: 2019   
Pages: 379-390
DOI: 10.2143/HLO.68.2.3292335

Abstract :
Antwerpen, Universiteitsbibliotheek, MAG-P 60.5 is the oldest manuscript held by the Special Collections department of the University of Antwerp. Because of its bibliographical value, specific attention has already been devoted to it in an article published in Scriptorium forty years ago. However, it failed to identify the scribe, the dedicatee and the occasion for which the manuscript had been created. Starting from a reconsideration of some neglected texts on the flyleaf of the manuscript and a fresh paleographical analysis, this article suggests to attribute it to the hand of Federico Veterani, a scribe for Federico da Montefeltro at the end of the fifteenth century.

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