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Document Details :

Title: Oratio Iusti de Iustis de dignitate procerum antiquissimorum Britonum (1468)
Subtitle: A First Edition and English Translation with Commentary
Author(s): HINES, Zachary , HINES, Caitlin
Journal: Humanistica Lovaniensia
Volume: 71    Issue: 2   Date: 2022   
Pages: 181-246
DOI: 10.2143/HLO.71.2.3292320

Abstract :
This article presents a first edition (with introduction, commentary, and English translation) of a fifteenth-century neo-Latin oration by Italian jurist Giusto Giusti in honor of Englishman John Chedworth, delivered on the occasion of Chedworth’s retirement from the rectorship at the Universitas Iuristarum at Padova in 1468. This ambitious speech, composed in elaborate Ciceronian style and suffused with references to the texts, philosophies, and prominent thinkers of antiquity, honors Chedworth’s English heritage, the nobility and preeminence of the English landscape, its peoples, and its histories, alongside discussion of the nature and origins of the law and the cultural capital that attends extensive travel experience. This edition makes accessible to a broad audience a manuscript that has never before been published or digitized and provides fresh material for scholars investigating humanism in fifteenth-century Italy and England.

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