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Document Details : Title: Jodocus Badius Ascensius as Printer, Editor and Commentator on Cicero's Letters Author(s): CRAB, Marijke Journal: Lias Volume: 49 Issue: 2 Date: 2022 Pages: 111-140 DOI: 10.2143/LIAS.49.2.3292258 Abstract : Jodocus Badius Ascensius (1462-1535) was one of the most significant printer-scholars of his time, and a renowned commentator on the classics. While many of his commentary editions have been the subject of earlier studies, so far hardly any attention has been paid to Badius and Cicero. This article proposes a first survey of Badius’ editions of the letters, which were all-important for the humanist appreciation of Cicero and played a pivotal role in education. Starting from a close study of the paratexts and comparing Badius’ publications to both earlier and later printed editions, it will examine the ways in which he presented Cicero’s various letter collections to, and interpreted them for, different audiences. Consequently, it offers a detailed addendum to the existing case studies on Badius as a printer, editor and commentator on the classics, while also shedding new light on the transmission and reception of Cicero’s letters in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. |