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Document Details : Title: Preliminary Report on the 2018-2019 Excavations at Gre Fılla, Ambar Valley in the Upper Tigris Basin, Southeastern Turkey Author(s): EKINBAŞ CAN, Özlem Journal: Anatolica Volume: 48 Date: 2022 Pages: 75-100 DOI: 10.2143/ANA.48.0.3291915 Abstract : This study presents preliminary results of the 2018 and 2019 excavation seasons from the Gre Fılla site, located in the northernmost section of the Upper Tigris Basin, excavated as part of the Ambar Dam Rescue Excavations. The two field campaigns show that the site was inhabited during the Pre-Pottery and Pottery Neolithic periods. After millennia, the site was re-occupied in the Middle Ages. Ovoid, rectangular and buttressed structures, together with the lithic assemblage, were attributed to the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B period, unearthed during the 2019 season. Preliminary studies revealed that the rectangular and buttressed structures had stone foundations and their superstructures mudbrick. The Pottery Neolithic period is represented by diagnostic pottery sherds only, as the associated architectural remains were severely damaged by the later graves of the Middle Ages. |