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Document Details : Title: Das Schwarze Meer in der geokartographischen Tradition der Antike und des frühen Mittelalters II Subtitle: Die Halbinsel Krim, das Asowsche Meer und die Straße von Kertsch Author(s): PODOSSINOV, Alexander V. Journal: Ancient West & East Volume: 3 Issue: 2 Date: 2004 Pages: 338-353 DOI: 10.2143/AWE.3.2.3291826 Abstract : This paper continues the series of works on the historical geocartography of the Black Sea countries in Antiquity. It is devoted to the image of the Sea of Azov, the Kerch strait and the Crimean peninsula in ancient, early mediaeval European and Islamic maps and geographic descriptions based on maps. The author comes to the conclusion that until the 14th century on all these maps the Sea of Azov was drawn as an internal lake, and the Kerch strait and the Crimean peninsula were therefore absent. Since this cartographic deformation is reflected only in the so-called Agrippean (Roman) tradition, one can see the origin of this mistake in the world map of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa (died 12 BC). |