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Document Details : Title: The Gospel of John and the Manichaean Reader in Conf. 7 Author(s): TURNER, Christina E. Journal: Augustiniana Volume: 72 Issue: 1 Date: 2022 Pages: 67-92 DOI: 10.2143/AUG.72.1.3290926 Abstract : In the present article, I investigate whether Augustine’s account of the books of the Platonists through the words of John’s prologue is linked to his grapple with Manichaean doctrine and worldview in Confessions 7. I explore particularly whether his choice to treat the libri Platonicorum by quoting from John 1:1-16, a passage that defines his intellectual breakthrough in the narrative of book 7, is used as a subtle opportunity to defend the Catholic interpretation of scripture against the Manichaean interpretation. This is especially in terms of certain doctrinal points of contention such as the nature of God and the soul (as spiritual rather than material realities), the triune God as Creator, and the role of Christ as the Word incarnate, where John becomes an important proof text. Moreover, I explore whether Augustine’s use of John forms part of an exercise to encourage readers of the Confessions, including the potential Manichaean reader, to adopt his way of thinking about God. I finally draw some preliminary conclusions on the way in which an awareness of the Manichaean reader may have shaped Augustine’s rendering of John and consequently his formulation of his search for God and the role of Christ in Confessions 7. |