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Document Details : Title: Menander's Heros Subtitle: A New Reconstruction of the Smaller Cairo Codex Fragments (δεζ, γΟ, ηθ) Author(s): IOANNIDOU, Kyriaki A. Journal: Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists Volume: 58 Date: 2021 Pages: 223-247 DOI: 10.2143/BASP.58.0.3289958 Abstract : This article offers a thorough re-examination of the three smaller fragments of Heros (δεζ, θη, γΟ), which the 'Cairo Codex of Menander' brought to light alongside a metrical hypothesis, the cast list of the play, and part of its opening scene (Her. 1-52). I address the most important questions connected with the content of the smaller fragments, which provide portions of approximately 45 lines of the play (Her. 53-97), and their position in the broader plot of Heros. I propose a new arrangement of the fragments and assign certain lines to different characters than those proposed by editors in the past. This in turn affects the reconstruction of the play’s plotline. A brief commentary on the text preserved on the three fragments is offered in the second part of the article. |