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Document Details : Title: Contextualizing the Sacred in the Hellenistic and Roman Near East Author(s): WILLIAMS REED, Eris B. Journal: Bibliotheca Orientalis Volume: 77 Issue: 5-6 Date: 2020 Pages: 429-445 DOI: 10.2143/BIOR.77.5.3289592 Abstract : This review article considers Rubina Raja’s 2017 edited volume Contextualizing the Sacred in the Hellenistic and Roman Near East. Religious Identities in Local, Regional, and Imperial Settings. The volume aims to highlight different approaches to religion and religious identity in the Near East, with each contributor drawing upon different disciplinary methodologies to contextualise religious developments at several of the region’s localities. The volume is therefore part of the current shift towards local approaches to religion in the Hellenistic and Roman Near East. This review article will set this volume within its wider scholarly context and offer an introductory synthesis of key areas of research within this field, including gods and myths; religious architecture and sacred space; and groups of worshippers. |