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Document Details : Title: Das Brandopfer der Räuberhöhle Subtitle: Frühchristliche Stationen der Rezeption der Tempelrede Jeremias (Jeremia 7) Author(s): SOMMER, Michael Journal: Biblica Volume: 102 Issue: 2 Date: 2021 Pages: 206-228 DOI: 10.2143/BIB.102.2.3289499 Abstract : Many early Christians took up the temple discourse of Jeremiah (Jeremiah 7), but the manner in which it was received clearly differed. Texts after the Bar Kochba crisis use Jeremiah 7 to create polemics against Jews sacrificing at the temple and celebrating temple feasts. Although the main purpose of this article is to show shifts in the interpretation of Jeremiah 7 in early Christian literature, it also investigates whether Mira Balberg’s theory of a new understanding of cult in Early Judaism offers a suitable explanatory horizon for interpretations of Jeremiah 7 after 135 CE. |