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Document Details :

Title: Q and the Embassies of Luke 7,1-10
Subtitle: Lukan Addition or Matthean Omission?
Author(s): REID, Duncan
Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Volume: 97    Issue: 2   Date: 2021   
Pages: 313-348
DOI: 10.2143/ETL.97.2.3289260

Abstract :
This paper examines the Lukan embassies (Luke 7,3.6) in the double tradition story of the centurion’s servant (Luke 7,1-10; Matt 8,5-13) and, on assumption of the Two-Document Hypothesis, considers whether they are more plausibly understood as a Lukan addition or Matthean omission from Q. After briefly summarizing the existing arguments, the relative redactional plausibility of these competing options is assessed in light of a synchronic reading of Matthean and Lukan miracle tradition, ancient rhetorical conventions in relation to re-presentation of narrative, observable redactional tendencies of Matthew and Luke in relation to Markan miracle tradition, and observations about the embassy motif in ancient miracle traditions. The resulting observations highlight some of the challenges involved in reconstructing Q and point to a greater likelihood of Matthean omission of the embassies (from Q) than of Lukan addition (to Q).

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