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Document Details : Title: From Burial Plot to Dump Site Subtitle: The History of the PQ4 Compound at Sagalassos (Southwest Anatolia) Author(s): CLEYMANS, Sam , TALLOEN, Peter , BEAUJEAN, Bas , VAN DE VIJVER, Katrien , POBLOME, Jeroen Journal: Anatolica Volume: 44 Date: 2018 Pages: 123-163 DOI: 10.2143/ANA.44.0.3285052 Abstract : This paper presents the results of three excavation campaigns at a burial compound in the Eastern Necropolis of Sagalassos (SW Anatolia). The enclosed burial plot was located in the far eastern part of the city’s Eastern Proasteion and was used as such between the end of the 1st-beginning of the 2nd century AD and the beginning of the 5th century, with a hiatus around the middle of the 3rd century. Sometime at the end of the 5th century AD the compound lost its funerary function, after which it was looted and used as a dump site in the 6th century. Finally, the area was covered by stone refuse resulting from quarrying activities higher up the ridge. Nine tombs could be attributed to the original burial phase, while 30 graves dated to Late Roman times. By presenting the history of the compound and through a discussion of different archaeological and bioarchaeological data, the paper aims to shed light on the funerary practices at Sagalassos during Roman Imperial times and uncover some of the actors behind these mortuary and non-funerary activities. |