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Document Details :

Title: Im Schatten der Weisheit sitzend
Subtitle: Der anonyme Traktat Sub umbra illius quem desideraui, sedi
Author(s): STURLESE, Loris
Journal: Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales
Volume: 85    Issue: 1   Date: 2018   
Pages: 217-238
DOI: 10.2143/RTPM.85.1.3284831

Abstract :
The anonymous Middle Dutch treatise known as Sub umbra illius, handed down in MS. Berlin, cod. germ. qu. 1084, is an important document in the medieval debate on Eckhart’s philosophy conducted in German and Dutch vernaculars. The author knew the work of Thomas Aquinas well, used a technical lexicon of remarkable precision, and discussed in detail the doctrine of human perfection formulated by Eckhart in his German Sermon Q 52. The text was first published by Langenberg in 1902 and is re-edited after a collation with the manuscript and with a commentary on the sources used by the author.

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