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Document Details :

Title: Jenseits der Geschlechterbinarität
Subtitle: Transsexualität, Theologie und Kirche
Author(s): SCHREIBER, Gerhard
Journal: Marriage, Families & Spirituality
Volume: 23    Issue: 1   Date: 2017   
Pages: 52-69
DOI: 10.2143/INT.23.1.3239899

Abstract :
For a long time, transsexuality was regarded as a severe mental disorder. It was assumed that being personally convinced that one belongs to a sex different from the one determined and displayed by one’s genitals was a form of derangement. During the past twenty years, however, science has ushered in a new era of efforts to better understand transsexual people, which led to the depsychiatrization and depathologization of transgender identities. So far, however, this new scientific paradigm has left theology and the church largely unimpressed. A thorough and specifically systematic- and practical-theological reflection on transsexuality, with the aim of changing our way of dealing with transsexual people, is an urgent desideratum.

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