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Document Details : Title: Al-Durr al-tamīn attribué à Rağab al-Bursī Subtitle: Un exemple des «commentaires coraniques personnalisés» ši'ites (Aspects de l'imamologie duodécimaine XVI) Author(s): AMIR-MOEZZI, Mohammad-Ali Journal: Le Muséon Volume: 130 Issue: 1-2 Date: 2017 Pages: 207-240 DOI: 10.2143/MUS.130.1.3214930 Abstract : Al-Ḥāfiẓ Rağab al-Bursī (8-9th/XIV-XVth c.) is one of the greatest shi'i thinkers of the time between the Mongol invasion and the advent of the Safavids. Mystical philosopher of esoteric and traditionalist tendency, author of the famous book Mashāriq al-anwār, he is the little known author of an important work whose authenticity is not always certain. This work seems however to have a precise center of gravity: the mystical and theosophical figure of 'Alī b. Abī Ṭālib, imam par excellence of Shi'ism, master of wisdom and theophanic man at the same time. The article proposes the study of the figure of 'Alī through the Quranic commentary attributed to al-Bursī and entitled al-Durr al-tamīn fī ḫams mi'a āyat nazalat fī amīr al-mu'minīn (The Precious Pearl on 500 Quranic Verses Revealed about the Commander of the Faithful [i.e. 'Alī]). The article also tries to present a literary genre of paramount importance in the development, preservation and expansion of Shi'i fundamental doctrines: 'the personalized Quranic commentary'. Through this kind of exegesis, the commentator reveals the place and role of a historical figure in the frame of the Quran and shows with this approach the hidden, esoteric meaning of the Revelation. |