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Document Details :

Title: Gen 41:42 and the Egyptian Background of the Investiture of Joseph
Author(s): SCHIPPER, Bernd U.
Journal: Revue Biblique
Volume: 118    Issue: 3   Date: 2011   
Pages: 331-338
DOI: 10.2143/RBI.118.3.3206310

Abstract :
The article discusses an Egyptian cube-statue from Priene/Asia Minor which illustrates the possible Egyptian background of Gen 41:42 and supports its dating in the 7th century. The object from the 26th dynasty includes an Ionian inscription which mentions a foreigner being awarded a position by the Egyptian pharaoh, along with the bestowal of a necklace (the so-called ‘Gold of Honour’).

L’article discute le texte d’une statue égyptienne de Priène (Asie Mineure) qui peut fournir un éventuel arrière-plan égyptien pour Gn 41, 42, et conforte sa datation au 7e s. av. J.-C. L’objet, de la 26e dynastie, comporte une inscription ionienne qui mentionne un étranger promu par le pharaon, et auquel est offert un collier («L’or d’honneur»).

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