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Document Details : Title: Achter de geschiedenis kijken Subtitle: Kerkgeschiedenis als discipline naast geschiedenis en theologie Author(s): MÜLLER, Daniela , ACKERMANS, Gian Journal: Tijdschrift voor Theologie Volume: 51 Issue: 1 Date: 2011 Pages: 20-33 DOI: 10.2143/TVT.51.1.3203368 Abstract : As discipline, church history uses the historical methods but it can certainly be pursued from a theological inspiration, even though it must keep its distance from the concepts that tend to set the tone among theologians. Church history as discipline has undergone a remarkable quantitative and qualitative development in recent years. Once unshakable notions — among which truth and objectivity — have been questioned. Expanding the concept church and shifting attention from institutions to mindsets has brought the average Christian into focus. There is a good deal of critical contextual reconstruction of older historical approaches. Research on Christians’ historical relation to deviant marginal currents and to other religions is tripping up old and new prejudices. Meanwhile, there is indisputably a range of methods. Text-immanent interpretations, however necessary, rub elbows with socio-cultural analyses. Of the current interpretation styles, Michel Foucault’s discourse analysis seems able to produce important insights, especially regarding a better understanding of those who do not spontaneously speak, or are silenced, in historical sources. Unravelling their motives is a task highly suited to theology. |