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Document Details : Title: Évangile et prophétie Subtitle: Un texte original (1 P 1,10-12) peut-il éclairer un texte difficile (2 P 1,16-21)? Author(s): BÉNÉTREAU, Samuel Journal: Biblica Volume: 86 Issue: 2 Date: 2005 Pages: 174-191 DOI: 10.2143/BIB.86.2.3191706 Abstract : It is commonly agreed that the Second Epistle of Peter evinces a knowledge of the First Epistle of Peter (cf 2 P 3,1), but the degree of the influence upon the Second Epistle is assessed differently. This study endeavours to show that the difficult text of 2 P 1,16-21, in which the witness of the apostles is associated with the 'prophetic word', becomes clearer and more coherent when a connection is set with 1 P 1,10-12. |