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Document Details : Title: Whence and Whither Subtitle: A Narrative Perspective on Birth ἄνωθεν Author(s): SANDNES, Karl Olav Journal: Biblica Volume: 86 Issue: 2 Date: 2005 Pages: 153-173 DOI: 10.2143/BIB.86.2.3191705 Abstract : In John 3 birth ἄνωθεν is illustrated by the wind. Its effect can be experienced without knowledge of from whence it comes and whither it goes. This analogy asserts both the reality and the mysterious nature of the wind. John 3,8 is, however, not exhausted by this analogy. John 3,3-8 belongs within an epistemological pattern found throughout this Gospel: like is known by like. The mysterious and enigmatic nature of Jesus’ identity sheds light on the 'whence and whither' of John 3,8. Christology thus becomes a key to understand the mysterious nature of faith. |