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Document Details :

Title: Job’s Intercession
Subtitle: Antidote to Divine Folly
Author(s): GUILLAUME, Philippe , SCHUNCK, Michael
Journal: Biblica
Volume: 88    Issue: 4   Date: 2007   
Pages: 457-472
DOI: 10.2143/BIB.88.4.3189013

Abstract :
This paper pinpoints how divine folly and human intercession mentioned in Job 42,8 are key concepts to unravel the meaning of the Book of Job. The Epilogue does not restore Job in his former position. Job is not healed but receives a new role as intercessor on behalf of his friends and by extension on behalf of everyone less perfect than he is. Understanding misfortune as the consequence of inescapable bouts of divine folly is the Joban way to account for humanity’s inability to comprehend the divinity.

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