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Document Details : Title: Die damnatio und consecratio der zwei Zeugen (Offb 11) Author(s): PASCHKE, Boris A. Journal: Biblica Volume: 89 Issue: 4 Date: 2008 Pages: 555-575 DOI: 10.2143/BIB.89.4.3188970 Abstract : With regard to the prophecy of the death, desecration, resurrection, and ascension of the two witnesses (Rev 11,7-13) most exegetes reckon with a Jewish background. However, the Jewish parallels they refer to stem from different works, contexts, and epochs. Some exegetes also consider the passion, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus the background of Rev 11,7-13. However, the itinerary of Jesus (as presented in the New Testament) significantly differs from the events described in Rev 11,7-13. The present article suggests the Roman damnatio and consecratio as an alternative (or at least complementary) historical background for Rev 11,7-13. In contrast to both the Jewish and Christian traditions/sources, this background is both encompassing and coherent. Thus, the Roman damnatio and consecratio should be taken into account as an exegetical framework for Rev 11,7-13. |