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Document Details : Title: 'O Love that Casts Out Fear' Subtitle: More on Augustine's Influence of Heidegger Concerning Timor Castus and Timor Servilis Author(s): DE PAULO, Craig J.N. Journal: Augustiniana Volume: 65 Issue: 3-4 Date: 2015 Pages: 169-183 DOI: 10.2143/AUG.65.3.3144288 Abstract : Continuing the connection between Heidegger and Augustine concerning chaste and servile fear from his earlier article entitled 'Following Heidegger’s Footnotes to Augustine on Timor Castus and Timor Seruilis', de Paulo brings his 'Augustinian phenomenology' into play by engaging in dialogue with Jean-Luc Marion and questions whether Heidegger’s re-appropriation of Augustine is philosophically credible or does Heidegger’s reading of Augustine also need some deconstructing? Then, with an analysis of Augustine’s seventeen citations from the First Letter of St. John, the article explores Augustine’s ambiguous convergence of love and fear. |