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Document Details : Title: L'omelia di Ełišē Sulla trasfigurazione Subtitle: Testimone di una presenza acemeta sul monte Tabor? Author(s): PANE, Riccardo Journal: Le Muséon Volume: 127 Issue: 3-4 Date: 2014 Pages: 341-351 DOI: 10.2143/MUS.127.3.3062097 Abstract : Ełišē’s homily On Lord’s transfiguration concludes with a detailed description of Tabor’s monastic community. It’s the amplest treatment we have preserved on this matter, and maybe the oldest too. Up to now nobody seems to have noticed a peculiar and unexpected similarity between prayer’s method of this community and that one of Acemets, in a particular manner six prayer’s shifts, an expedient to realizing the biblical precept of an incessant prayer (cf. 1Ts 5, 17). Acemets’ monastic community was located at the beginning in Mesopotamia, and later near Bosphorus. It wasn’t a kind of religious order, but counted only this monastery. Therefore it’s very improbable that Tabor’s community could be a true Acemet monastery; however we know that numerous Acemets monks left their mother community and founded new monasteries around the world. It’s likely that one of these monks could have originate Tabor’s community. |