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Document Details :

Title: Theology on the Margins and at the Crossroads
Subtitle: Theology, Church, University and Society
Author(s): BOEVE, Lieven
Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Volume: 90    Issue: 2   Date: 2014   
Pages: 361-378
DOI: 10.2143/ETL.90.2.3032684

Abstract :
In a thoroughly changed culture and society, what is the place and statute of theology in the domains in which it has belonged from of old: the university, the Church, and society? This paper develops the assessment that theology, which has no longer a self-evident roll, but appears to have shifted to the margin of what happens in these domains, can only fulfill its task well today if it refuses to fly away from this marginalization (for instance by pulling back into one of the three domains), but undergoes this knowingly and willingly. Still more: theology can be credible and relevant when it consciously takes its place starting precisely from the margins at the crossroads of university, Church, and society.

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