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Document Details :

Title: La littérature vernaculaire et la philosophie en Toscane dans la deuxième moitié du 13ème siècle
Author(s): BARTUSCHAT, Johannes
Journal: Tijdschrift voor Filosofie
Volume: 75    Issue: 2   Date: 2013   
Pages: 311-333
DOI: 10.2143/TVF.75.2.2990708

Abstract :
This study examines three texts written in Tuscan vernacular between 1260 and 1300: the Libro de’ vizî e delle virtudi by Bono Giamboni, the Rettorica by Brunetto Latini and the anonymous short-story collection Novellino. The three books belong to the urban culture of the Tuscan comune, all being addressed to a wider audience and teaching the laici a knowledge that belonged only to the clerici before. The use of literary forms and the adaptation of the traditional forms of philosophical teaching in this new context were the essential tools for disclosing the philosophical culture. The teaching centers on ethics and focuses on the problems of social life. However, all three texts also include a more theoretical dimension. Indeed, the three authors elaborate three original conceptions of ‘philosophy’. While Brunetto Latini stresses the idea of philosophy as a systematic whole, Bono Giamboni sees philosophy, in a more boethian way, as wisdom, while the Novellino points out the significance of philosophy as an attitude toward knowledge, a complete dedication to the search for the truth that justifies the idea of philosophy as a specific and autonomous form of knowledge.

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