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Document Details :

Title: Die Stunde des Lammes?
Subtitle: Christologie und Chronologie in Joh 19,14
Author(s): WITETSCHEK, Stephan
Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Volume: 87    Issue: 1   Date: 2011   
Pages: 127-187
DOI: 10.2143/ETL.87.1.2122232

Abstract :
According to John 19,14, Jesus’ trial before Pilate reached its end at 'about the sixth hour'. This indication of time apparently contradicts Mark 15,25, where Jesus is crucified at 'the third hour'. Since antiquity there have been numerous more or less questionable attempts to harmonise these two chronological indications. In the 20th century it has become common to interpret John 19,14 in terms of Passover symbolism to the effect that the chronological indication points to the slaughter of the Passover animals, thus identifying Jesus as the true Passover lamb. It is the aim of the present article to subject this view to critical scrutiny and present possible alternatives.

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