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Document Details : Title: Taal op drift, chaos in het hoofd Subtitle: Een empirisch onderzoek naar het lees- en interpretatieproces van de digitale poëzie van Tonnus Oosterhoff Author(s): BAKKER, Niels Journal: Spiegel der Letteren Volume: 52 Issue: 4 Date: 2010 Pages: 423-443 DOI: 10.2143/SDL.52.4.2059882 Abstract : In the moving poetry of Tonnus Oosterhoff, words and sentences dance across the screen, appearing and disappearing along the way. Thanks to the digital media, language has become dynamic. In the experiment discussed in this article, eighteen students were asked to read two poems, ‘KRITIEK’ and ‘eerst wordt voorvoorspeld’, which were published in both a printed and a digital version. The students were instructed to interpret the poems, but the motion ended up getting in the way. The subjects had the impression that they could not read and interpret the texts in ways they were accustomed to, and they reported several problems with the changes in the poem during the process. In the case of ‘eerst wordt voorvoorspeld’, the more experimental of the two poems, the combination of motion and abstract language made it impossible to combine the different elements into a coherent whole, and this resulted in an unsuccessful interpretation. The chaos on the screen resulted in chaos in the mind. |