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Document Details :

Title: Assyriologie
Journal: Bibliotheca Orientalis
Volume: 67    Issue: 1-2   Date: 2010   
Pages: 107-141
DOI: 10.2143/BIOR.67.1.2052741

Abstract :
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ZAWADZKI, S. - Garments of the Gods. Studies on the Textile Industry and the Pantheon of Sippar According to the Texts from the Ebabbar Archive. (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 218). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 2006.

Korte aankondiging:
LUUKO, M., SVÄRD, S., MATTILA, R. - Of God(s), Trees, Kings, and Scholars. Neo-Assyrian and Related Studies in Honour of Simo Parpola. (Studia Orientalia 106). Finnish Oriental Society, Helsinki, 2009.

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