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Document Details : Title: La variété des langues dans le Christus totus selon saint Augustin Subtitle: L'universalité chrétienne en voie d'accomplissement Author(s): DURAND, Emmanuel Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses Volume: 86 Issue: 1 Date: 2010 Pages: 1-25 DOI: 10.2143/ETL.86.1.2051609 Abstract : The dead ends in which communitarianism has ended up call for a renewed emphasis to be placed upon universal ties. In order to understand Christian universality in its original form, stemming from Pentecost, the present article follows Augustine’s lead in exploring its grounds in the Christus totus. The inclusion of all those called in Christ cannot be achieved without taking account of local diversity, which the Spirit binds together into a harmonic whole. The cue for Christian universality is the fulfilment of the gift of languages in the preaching of the Gospel for the benefit of every different culture. Taking its rise in the multiple repetitions of Pentecost that accompany the initial spread of the Gospel in Acts, the dynamic universalising tendency in Christianity is driven by a divine initiative which is critically important as the disciples move into new cultural or religious territory. |