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Document Details : Title: Truth, Meaning and the Common World Subtitle: The Significance and Meaning of Common Sense in Hannah Arendt's Thought - Part Two Author(s): PEETERS, Remi Journal: Ethical Perspectives Volume: 16 Issue: 4 Date: 2009 Pages: 411-434 DOI: 10.2143/EP.16.4.0000000 Abstract : In the first part of the present study (EP 16.3, pp. 337-359) we focused our attention on Arendt’s use of the concept common sense as le bon sens, i.e. a cognitive faculty or a ‘sixth sense’ that enables us to grasp the common and worldly context of our experiences and therefore also enables us to grasp factual truth and to tell truth from falsehood. Arendt, however, also makes use of the concept common sense to imply a specific faculty of judgment, which she ultimately designates with the expression 'community sense'. |