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Document Details : Title: Les «nouvelles Tables» du Sinaï Subtitle: Organisation monastique et pédagogie spirituelle chez Jean Climaque Author(s): PIERRE, M.-J. Journal: Le Muséon Volume: 122 Issue: 1-2 Date: 2009 Pages: 27-52 DOI: 10.2143/MUS.122.1.2037150 Abstract : It seems that before John Climacus’ arrival at Mount Sinai, the monks there had no rule, and the young monks used to follow the example of an «Old» who agreed to train them. The construction of the Coenobium at the time of Justinian changed the situation. In the early 7th century, a kind of «Sinaitic school» was organized, which draws on the sources of spirituality from Scete and from Anthony the Great. The local tradition of the Exodus and of the giving of the Law is very pregnant, and paideia of the scale or New Tables of John Climacus – based on knowledge and self-analysis checked over time by written and classified notes – is to climb «degrees» or steps, also carved at the same time in the rock up to the summit of Mount Moses. As in Athanasius’ Life of Antony, the archetypal experience of the Master invites the disciple to the same experience. |