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Document Details :

Title: Romans 1,11-12
Subtitle: A Clue to the Purpose of Romans?
Author(s): OCHSENMEIER, Erwin
Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Volume: 83    Issue: 4   Date: 2007   
Pages: 395-406
DOI: 10.2143/ETL.83.4.2025345

Abstract :
Commentaries on Romans usually gloss over Rom 1,11-12 rapidly. Yet lexical and conceptual parallels with 1 Thess, the presence of vocabulary used mostly in contexts of affliction and suffering, the many references to affliction, suffering, perseverance and hope in Romans and in the OT passages quoted by Paul suggest that these verses may indicate that the letter to the Romans is fulfilling the purpose of Paul’s delayed visit, i.e. to encourage the Roman believers to hope in God in the midst of present or upcoming suffering.

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